Server side Code for Adding GEO Location fields:
public void AddGEOLOCATIONcolumn(string strListName)
SPSite mysite = SPContext.Current.Site;
SPWeb myweb = mysite.RootWeb;
SPList list = myweb.Lists.TryGetList(strListName);
if (list != null)
list.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field Type='Geolocation' DisplayName='Office Location'/>", true, SPAddFieldOptions.AddFieldToDefaultView);
lblText.Text = "Successfully Created the new column";
lblText.Text = "List doesn't exists!";
catch (Exception ex)
lblText.Text = ex.ToString();
For google maps Geolocation field:
By default location is rendered using Bing Maps but it could be customized, for example by creating custom Geolocation field that renders Nokia Maps as described here.
What about another Map providers, let’s take a look on how to implement geolocation field that renders Google Maps.
First of all we need to create custom Geolocation field, for details see How to: Create a custom Geolocation field that renders using Nokia Maps.
Here we will only implement Geolocation field template for Google Maps, all the remaining steps the same as described in How to: Create a custom Geolocation field that renders using Nokia Maps.
This is client side rendering template file that JSLink method of the field class points to, for more information see How to: Customize a field type using client-side rendering
Below is presented GMapsGeolocatioFieldTemplate.js rendering template for Google Maps.
****************JS file***********************************************
function $_global_googlemapscontrol() {
(function() {
if (typeof GMapsControlTemplate == "object") {
window.GMapsControlTemplate = (function() {
return {
GMapsControl_Display: function(rCtx) {
if (rCtx == null || rCtx.CurrentFieldValue == null || rCtx.CurrentFieldValue == '')
return '';
var _myData = SPClientTemplates.Utility.GetFormContextForCurrentField(rCtx);
if (_myData == null || _myData.fieldSchema == null)
return '';
_myData.registerInitCallback(_myData.fieldName, InitControl);
var gMapRedirectControl;
var _inputId_gMapRedirectControl = _myData.fieldName + '_' +
_myData.fieldSchema.Id + '_$gMapField';
var fldvalue = GMapsControlTemplate.ParseGeolocationValue(rCtx.CurrentFieldValue);
var googleStaticMapUrl = GMapsControlTemplate.GetGoogleStaticMapUrl(fldvalue, 400, 300);
var result = '<div>';
result += GMapsControlTemplate.GetRenderableFieldValue(fldvalue);
result += '<BR />';
result += '<a id="' + STSHtmlEncode(_inputId_gMapRedirectControl) + '" href="javascript:">';
result += '<img src="' + googleStaticMapUrl + '" alt="Google Maps" />'
result += '</a>';
result += '</div>';
return result;
function RedirectToGMaps() {
var googleMapStaticUrl = document.getElementById(_inputId_gMapRedirectControl).childNodes[0].src;
function InitControl() {
gMapRedirectControl = document.getElementById(_inputId_gMapRedirectControl);
if (gMapRedirectControl != null)
AddEvtHandler(gMapRedirectControl, "onclick", RedirectToGMaps);
GetGoogleStaticMapUrl: function(fldvalue, width, height) {
var googleStaticMapUrl = 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap';
googleStaticMapUrl += '?center=' + fldvalue.latitude + ',' + fldvalue.longitude;
googleStaticMapUrl += '&zoom=11';
googleStaticMapUrl += '&size=' + width + 'x' + height;
googleStaticMapUrl += '&markers=color:blue%7Clabel:S%7C' + fldvalue.latitude + ',' + fldvalue.longitude;
googleStaticMapUrl += '&sensor=false';
return googleStaticMapUrl;
GetGoogleMapUrl: function (fldvalue) {
var googleMapUrl = 'https://maps.google.com/maps';
googleMapUrl += '?z=11';
googleMapUrl += '&t=m';
googleMapUrl += '&q=loc:' + fldvalue.latitude + '+' + fldvalue.longitude;
return googleMapUrl;
RedirectToGMaps: function(googleMapStaticUrl) {
var url = googleMapStaticUrl.replace("&nord", "");
ParseGeolocationValue: function(fieldValue) {
var spatialtype = "POINT";
var space = ' ';
var openingBracket = '(';
var closingBracket = ')';
var point = new Object();
point.longitude = null;
point.latitude = null;
point.altitude = null;
point.measure = null;
if (fieldValue == null || fieldValue == '')
return null;
var valueIndex = 0;
var valueLength = fieldValue.length;
var subStr;
var argIndex = 0;
var index = fieldValue.indexOf(openingBracket, valueIndex);
if (index <= valueIndex) {
return null;
var headEnd = index;
if (fieldValue.charCodeAt(index - 1) == space.charCodeAt(0)) {
subStr = fieldValue.substr(valueIndex, headEnd - valueIndex);
if (spatialtype.toLowerCase() != subStr.toLowerCase()) {
return null;
valueIndex = index + 1;
while (valueIndex < valueLength) {
index = fieldValue.indexOf(space, valueIndex);
if (index <= valueIndex) {
index = fieldValue.indexOf(closingBracket, valueIndex);
if (index <= valueIndex) {
return null;
subStr = fieldValue.substr(valueIndex, index - valueIndex);
if (argIndex == 0) {
point.longitude = parseFloat(subStr);
else if (argIndex == 1) {
point.latitude = parseFloat(subStr);
else if (argIndex == 2) {
point.altitude = parseFloat(subStr);
else if (argIndex == 3) {
point.measure = parseFloat(subStr);
valueIndex = index + 1;
if (argIndex < 2) {
return null;
return point;
BuildGeolocationValue: function(latitude, longitude) {
var geolocationValue = 'Point (' + longitude + ' ' + latitude + ')';
return geolocationValue;
GetRenderableFieldValue: function(fieldValue) {
var fldValue = 'Longitude: ' + fieldValue.longitude + ', Latitude: ' + fieldValue.latitude;
return fldValue;
GMapsControl_Edit: function(rCtx) {
if (rCtx == null)
return '';
var _myData = SPClientTemplates.Utility.GetFormContextForCurrentField(rCtx);
if (_myData == null || _myData.fieldSchema == null)
return '';
_myData.registerInitCallback(_myData.fieldName, InitControl);
var fldvalue = GMapsControlTemplate.ParseGeolocationValue(rCtx.CurrentFieldValue);
var controlIdHeader = _myData.fieldName + '_' + _myData.fieldSchema.Id + '_$';
var mapDiv = '';
var searchControl;
var gMapField;
var _inputId_gMapField = controlIdHeader + 'gMapField';
var _inputId_locationDisplayControl = controlIdHeader + 'locationDisplayControl';
var _inputId_nativeGeolocationValue = controlIdHeader + 'nativeGeolocationValue';
var googleStaticMapUrl = '';
mapDiv += '<div>';
mapDiv += '<H3><label id="' + _inputId_locationDisplayControl + '">';
if (fldvalue != null) {
mapDiv += GMapsControlTemplate.GetRenderableFieldValue(fldvalue);
mapDiv += '</H3></label>';
mapDiv += '<label id="' + _inputId_nativeGeolocationValue
+ '" style="visibility: hidden;">';
if (fldvalue != null) {
mapDiv += 'Point(' + fldvalue.longitude + ' ' + fldvalue.latitude +')';
mapDiv += '</label>';
mapDiv += '<a id="' + STSHtmlEncode(_inputId_gMapField) + '" href="javascript:">';
mapDiv += '<img alt="Loading..." src="';
if (fldvalue != null) {
googleStaticMapUrl = GMapsControlTemplate.GetGoogleStaticMapUrl(fldvalue, 400, 300);
mapDiv += googleStaticMapUrl;
mapDiv += '" />';
mapDiv += '</a>';
mapDiv += '</div>';
var _inputId_address = controlIdHeader + "address";
var _inputId_searchButton = controlIdHeader + "searchButton";
var result = '<div id="mainDiv">';
result += '<div id="inputControls">';
result += '<div id="searchControls">';
result += '<table>';
result += '<tr>';
result += '<td width=100%>';
result += '<input type="text" id="' + _inputId_address + '" value="" style="width: 100%;"/>';
result += '</td>';
result += '<td style="width: 100%; text-align: right;">';
result += '<input type="button" id="' + _inputId_searchButton
+ '" value="Search" style="width: 70%;" />';
result += '</td>';
result += '</tr>';
result += '</table>';
result += '</div>';
result += '<div id="mapControls" width=50px />';
result += mapDiv;
result += '</div>';
result += '</div>';
function downloadJS(jsFile) {
var thescript = document.createElement('script');
function RedirectToGMaps() {
var googleMapStaticUrl = document.getElementById(_inputId_gMapField).childNodes[0].src;
function InitControl() {
gMapField = document.getElementById(_inputId_gMapField);
if (gMapField != null) {
AddEvtHandler(gMapField, "onclick", RedirectToGMaps);
var fldValue = document.getElementById(_inputId_nativeGeolocationValue).textContent;
if(typeof fldValue == "undefined" || fldValue == '')
gMapField.setAttribute('style', 'visibility: hidden;');
searchControl = document.getElementById(_inputId_searchButton);
if (searchControl != null)
AddEvtHandler(searchControl, "onclick", GeocodeAddress);
function GeocodeAddress() {
if (typeof google == "undefined" || typeof google.maps.Geocoder == "undefined")
alert('Google Maps not loaded completelly!');
var addressControl = document.getElementById(_inputId_address);
if (addressControl == null)
var address = addressControl.value;
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
geocoder.geocode({ 'address': address }, function (results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: results[0].geometry.location
var point = new Object();
point.latitude = results[0].geometry.location.lat();
point.longitude = results[0].geometry.location.lng();
UpdateGeolocationValue(point.latitude, point.longitude);
} else {
alert("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status);
function UpdateGeolocationValue(latitude, longitude) {
// Update native value.
document.getElementById(_inputId_nativeGeolocationValue).textContent =
GMapsControlTemplate.BuildGeolocationValue(latitude, longitude);
// Update display value.
var point = new Object();
point.latitude = latitude;
point.longitude = longitude;
document.getElementById(_inputId_locationDisplayControl).textContent =
// Update Map control.
var googleStaticMapUrl = GMapsControlTemplate.GetGoogleStaticMapUrl(point, 400, 400);
= googleStaticMapUrl;
gMapField.setAttribute('style', 'visibility: none;');
_myData.registerGetValueCallback(_myData.fieldName, function() {
var newValue = document.getElementById(_inputId_nativeGeolocationValue).textContent;
if(newValue == '')
return '';
var newFldValue = GMapsControlTemplate.ParseGeolocationValue(newValue);
return "Point(" + String(newFldValue.longitude) + " " + String(newFldValue.latitude) + ")";
return result;
GMapsControl_View: function(inCtx, field, listItem, listSchema) {
if (field.XSLRender == '1') {
return listItem[field.Name].toString();
else {
var fldvalue = GMapsControlTemplate.ParseGeolocationValue(listItem[field.Name]);
var ret = [];
if (fldvalue != null) {
ret.push("<a class=\"js-locationfield-callout\" href=\"javascript:void(0)\" liid=\"");
ret.push("\" fld=\"");
ret.push("\" ><img title=\"");
ret.push("\"border=0 src=\"" + "/_layouts/15/images/callout-target.png");
return ret.join('');
SetupMappyHoverHandlers: function(inCtx) {
EnsureScriptFunc("callout.js", "Callout", function() {
EnsureScriptFunc("core.js", "GetListItemByIID", function() {
EnsureScriptFunc("mquery.js", "m$", function() {
((m$('.js-locationfield-callout')).not(".js-locationfield-calloutInitialized")).forEach(function(e) {
var listItemID = e.getAttribute("liid");
var fieldName = e.getAttribute("fld");
var calloutTitle = '';
var calloutContent = [];
var listItem = GetListItemByIID(listItemID);
var values = GMapsControlTemplate.ParseGeolocationValue(listItem[fieldName]);
var width=300;
var googleMapStaticUrl = GMapsControlTemplate.GetGoogleStaticMapUrl
(values, width, 300);
calloutContent.push("<div><div class='ms-positionRelative' id='loc_mapcontainer_");
//calloutContent.push("' ></div></div>");
calloutContent.push("' ></div>");
calloutContent.push('<img src="' + googleMapStaticUrl + '" alt="Google Maps" />');
var callout = CalloutManager.createNew({
launchPoint: e,
openOptions: {
closeCalloutOnBlur: true,
event: "click",
showCloseButton: true
ID: listItemID + "_" + fieldName,
title: calloutTitle,
content: calloutContent.join(''),
contentWidth: width+40
callout.addAction(new CalloutAction({
text: "Browse on Google Maps",
onClickCallback: function () {
var googleMapUrl = GMapsControlTemplate.GetGoogleMapUrl(values);
GMapsControl_PreRender: function(inCtx) {
GMapsControl_PostRender: function(inCtx) {
if (ctx != null && ctx.BaseViewID != null && inCtx != null && inCtx.BaseViewID != null) {
if (inCtx.BaseViewID == ctx.BaseViewID) {
function _registerGMapsControlTemplate() {
var googleMapsControlContext = {};
googleMapsControlContext.Templates = {};
googleMapsControlContext.OnPreRender = GMapsControlTemplate.GMapsControl_PreRender;
googleMapsControlContext.OnPostRender = GMapsControlTemplate.GMapsControl_PostRender;
googleMapsControlContext.Templates.Fields = {
// Provide custom field name while registering .
'GMapFieldGeolocation': {
'View': GMapsControlTemplate.GMapsControl_View,
'DisplayForm': GMapsControlTemplate.GMapsControl_Display,
'EditForm': GMapsControlTemplate.GMapsControl_Edit,
'NewForm': GMapsControlTemplate.GMapsControl_Edit
ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(_registerGMapsControlTemplate, 'clienttemplates.js');
window.initialize = function () { }
*******************************JS File**************************************
*******************************JS File**************************************
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